At Your Wits End, Memory Care Assisted Living Is the Answer to How You Can Best Help Someone with Dementia

Dementia, which includes Alzheimer’s, can pose incredible challenges, not just for the people diagnosed with this disease, but also their immediate loved ones and other support individuals. Those “support individuals” may include their spouse, adult child, grandchildren, siblings, and even friends and neighbors who just want to help.
When you have reached your absolute limit, the end of your rope, so to speak, or are at your wit’s end because you just don’t know what to do, are so overwhelmed with stress and anxiety you don’t feel there are any other options left, turn to memory care assisted living.
What can memory care assisted living offer?

First and foremost, it can offer experience. Individuals who work at these facilities often have a great deal of experience supporting other seniors dealing with Alzheimer’s, other types of dementia, and a host of conditions that can affect memory.
When a person struggles with their memory, they worry. There will be times when they are surrounded by people they don’t recognize, even close family members they have known all their lives.
That can cause confusion, frustration, and even outbursts. You may have experienced this with your own immediate family member, whether it was your mother, spouse, sibling, or somebody else you care about tremendously. You know the pain it can cause.
Then, those family caregivers go home or crawl into bed and struggle to fall asleep, replaying the incident over and over in their mind, feeling empty, lost, confused, and frustrated because their own mother, father, husband or wife they have been married two for decades suddenly didn’t recognize them, even if it was only for a few moments.
Another important benefit some assisted living facilities offer.
Respite care. That means the senior with Alzheimer’s doesn’t have to move into one of these facilities if they are not quite ready for that just yet. However, these facilities can offer overnight stay options, short term stays, or even the opportunity to be dropped off in the morning or early afternoon and spend several hours there mingling with other peers, while being supported by experienced staff members, and more.
Why would this be such an important notion? Not only would it lay the foundation for more extensive care in the future, helping this senior become more comfortable in these surroundings, but it would also give you or those other family members or friends who are supporting the senior much-needed breaks.
Even a small respite can provide big dividends.
For both you and the senior who has been dealing with Alzheimer’s, respite care can be a fundamental change for all of you. The senior can experience what assisted living with memory care offers, begin connecting with other seniors his or her age who may share common interests, and see this as an opportunity for their future.
Meanwhile, you can get a physical and mental break, refresh and recharge, and see exactly what you have given up over the years, which many people easily overlook.
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