
Seniors Assisted Living: Better Than Struggling Alone for Elderly

Assisted Living Scottsdale, AZ: Benefits of Assisted Living

Three Reasons Assisted Living Can Be Better Than Struggling Alone for Seniors

Who wants to sit home, alone, and struggle for too many days? Most people would answer ‘no,’ they don’t want that. Unfortunately, time, health issues, and loneliness can sneak up on you slowly, over the course of years and years. Before you realize it, you’re in your late 70s, 80s, or 90s, living alone, widowed, having lost most of your friends along the way, and struggling just to make a simple meal for breakfast.

You may not have thought about elder care before, but it’s something to consider when you have the opportunity. Even before you may feel it’s necessary at that stage in your life, consider assisted living because, before you start struggling with all these things by yourself, you may be able to find the best support possible.

Below are three reasons why assisted living can be a great elder care choice to make as opposed to struggling alone, even if you have some friends still in the neighborhood.

Reason #1: It offers companionship.

Assisted Living Scottsdale, AZ: Benefits of Assisted Living
Assisted Living Scottsdale, AZ: Benefits of Assisted Living

Even though you may still have friends around, how often do you get to see them? As people move through their 80s and into their 90s, they may not be able to drive or their ability to visit as frequently as they had in the past will likely decline over time.

Your ability to get around is compromised. The ability of your friends to get around may also be limited. At an assisted living community, you can have companionship, maybe even with those same friends if you all move in together, anytime you want.

Having companionship is important for mental and emotional health, so don’t discount it simply because you still have a few friends on your street.

Reason #2: You have access to support whenever it’s needed.

Maybe you don’t need a lot of help around the house. However, you might need some assistance in the middle of the night because your joints are stiff, your muscles in your legs don’t feel as strong, and who do you call?

Maybe you don’t call anybody and hope for the best, take your time, and struggle in the biting cold of winter to get to the bathroom and back. At an assisted living facility, you won’t have to go through that. You can simply call for help should you need it. That is probably one of the best reasons why assisted living is a great elder care choice to make.

Reason #3: You don’t have to rely on inexperienced family members.

Even though the family is great to have around, unless your adult child, spouse, or other loved one who is willing and able to help you have done this before, they don’t have experience. Without experience, a lot of things can be missed.

Too many things get overlooked. The majority of family caregivers end up looking back at their time supporting an aging parent, spouse, or another individual with a little bit of regret. “If I had only known then what I know now,” tends to be a refrain used far too often, and you don’t have to let them feel that way when you choose the right elder care in assisted living.

If you or an aging loved one is considering a move to Assisted Living in Scottsdale, AZ please contact the caring staff at MD Senior Living today. 480-267-9200


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