A Great Activity Some Seniors at Assisted Living Still Enjoy

When was the last time you went to a local park? Maybe it has been a long time. If you have young kids, though, you may go on a regular basis. You take them to the playground or to a sports field that is connected to a local or municipal park.
Too often, though, we have a tendency to take these local parks for granted. We don’t think about them very much, except for certain extracurricular activities, especially when we have children.
However, a number of people of all ages, including older Americans, still enjoy going to local parks for walks, to sit down and enjoy the nice weather, to watch the birds, feed the squirrels and other wildlife, and so on. Some people like going to parks to watch other people.
There could be any number of reasons why an aging senior enjoys going to the park, and it doesn’t have to be rooted in just one specific cause. What happens, though, when an elderly person moves into an assisted living facility? Are they able to continue going to a local park? What if they no longer drive?
These are all questions to ask a specific assisted living facility.

One thing that needs to be made clear is that not all assisted living facilities are the same. Some will have different expectations, a different set of activities, dining options, rooming features, and so forth from others.
Just like you wouldn’t expect a hotel to be like all others just because it is called a hotel, the same can be true about assisted living communities. Just because it offers a number of valuable assets for aging Americans, each one is different. Each one will provide a different set of benefits to its residents.
With that being said, a number of assisted living facilities do provide transportation options for their residents to get to a variety of destinations. These might include going to the doctor, visiting a local mall or other shopping center, trips to local art galleries or museums, and, of course, to local parks.
Also, quality assisted living facilities that have the space may have park-like features on their own campus. That means residents can simply step outside and stroll the grounds to enjoy the nice weather, check out those birds, feed the squirrels, and enjoy the company of friends they make and maybe reconnect with at that specific immunity.
How to convince an aging parent that assisted living is a good option.
First, respect their decision. Even though you may be firm in your desire to see them move into one of these communities, it’s still their decision. Respect that.
Second, discuss the various options available to them once they move in. This may include opportunities — perhaps even more opportunities than they have now — to visit local parks and other points of interest.
Third, help them see that quality of life can actually improve with a move like this. When you do these things, you may have a better likelihood of helping them see the value assisted living offers them at this stage in their life.
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