Keeping Your Blood Pressure Stable

Keeping Your Blood Pressure Stable
You probably already know how essential your blood pressure is and how crucial it is to keep it within a healthy level. But, beyond that, how well do you know your blood pressure? It can be challenging to know what questions to ask, especially if you’re new to blood pressure management.
Generally, anything beyond 120 systolic and 80 diastolic is considered outside of the healthy zone for blood pressure measures. There is a wide range of good and bad readings even within those confines. Your diastolic blood pressure may be less than 80, but if your systolic is greater than 120, your blood pressure could still be dangerously high.
High blood pressure, often known as primary hypertension, is a condition that most people develop over time. Because it’s a result of a combination of factors, there’s no easy way to pinpoint a single cause.
High blood pressure might strike unexpectedly in certain people as secondary hypertension. The underlying cause of this type of hypertension includes sleep apnea, kidney issues, adrenal gland tumors, or thyroid disorders.
While hypertension is something to be taken very seriously, the good news is that treatment can help you lower your blood pressure. You may do a few things to naturally lower your blood pressure without using medication. Your doctor would most likely advise that you try to reduce your blood pressure by making lifestyle changes first. Simple, common-sense modifications, such as improving your nutrition, increasing your physical activity, adjusting your sleeping patterns, and lowering salt consumption, can significantly impact your blood pressure.
You should always work closely with your doctor to learn more about your blood pressure and maintain your heart health.
Our caregivers and managers at MD Senior Living have only our resident’s health and well-being in their mind. They cook high-quality meals that are low in preservatives and sodium to help keep your loved one’s blood pressure stable!

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