
The Benefits of Assisted Living Stretch Far Beyond Support for Seniors

nurse is assisting the senior to get up

Most of the time, when people are looking at assisted living or talking about it and all the benefits it offers, the focal point are the residents. The seniors. The elderly men and women who call an assisted living facility home.

In truth, though, benefits of assisted living extend far beyond just those focused on for aging men and women. It can be an incredible benefit for the average family caregiver, especially the one who is feeling overwhelmed, run down, exhausted, and is losing focus.

The majority of senior care providers in the country are family members.

Assisted Living Grayhawk, AZ: Benefits of Assisted Living
Assisted Living Grayhawk, AZ: Benefits of Assisted Living

That’s because most family members see it as their responsibility to look after their aging loved ones. This might be a grandparent, parent, spouse, sibling, aunt or uncle, friend, or even a close neighbor. Many friends and neighbors consider one another family, even though they are not related. Whatever the relationship is, when somebody is acting as a caregiver for a member of their family or close friend, they often take on this responsibility out of a sense of duty, love, and compassion.

Those are all wonderful reasons to begin supporting a person who needs help, but what most of these family caregivers fail to realize is just how stressful and overwhelming it can be. The job is often viewed in the wrong context.

Being a caregiver is a job and, like any job, it requires consistency, dedication, and devotion. Putting all of your heart and soul into supporting this aging loved one because you want them to be safe, protected, and doing well in the comfort of their home often leaves the average family caregiver exhausted, run down, and facing stress he or she hadn’t experienced most of their life.

They need a break. Every family caregiver will, eventually, need a break the longer they do this type of work. They might not think so at first, but it is only a matter of time. That is where a quality assisted living facility can be instrumental: in providing the respite he or she requires.

How does an assisted living facility offer respite?

Most people would assume that when a senior chooses assisted living for their future, that they will be moving in there permanently. Wouldn’t that mean the family caregiver no longer has any responsibility whatsoever?

It might, if the elderly person chooses assisted living full-time. However, some quality assisted living facilities do provide care and support services for aging seniors during the day, for a few days during the week, and for other short-term durations.

Imagine the elderly person you have been supporting for the last several months or years going to a local, quality assisted living facility for a few weeks. Imagine how you would feel being able to relax, knowing they are protected, in good hands, perhaps making new friends or reconnecting with old ones, and participating in activities they haven’t enjoyed in a while.

You see, the benefits of assisted living certainly do extend beyond those most of us think about for the seniors themselves.

If you or an aging loved-one is considering a move to Assisted Living in Central Scottsdale  please contact the caring staff at MD Senior Living today. 480-267-9200



Jessie HollowayAugust 31, 2022 at 3:56 pm

I love how you talk about how senior-assisted facilities don’t always have to take people full-time. My grandmother has been struggling to get around her house recently and we’re worried about her well-being. We’ve been looking into our senior care home options to see if that may be a solution that will work for her.
MD Senior LivingSeptember 2, 2022 at 4:54 pm

Jessie thank you for your kind comment. Sometimes some RAL homes will offer a chance to allow your grandmother to stay few nights at their home so that she can understand and feel comfortable with that place before committing fully. Hope the best for her and your family!
– Dr. K.

Afton JacksonDecember 7, 2022 at 2:50 pm

Learning how an assisted living facility could help provide your elderly relative a comfortable place to stay was really helpful. This is easily something my father would appreciate since he’s been living quite a stressful life all alone without any companions. I’ll help him settle into a nearby assisted living facility as soon as I can so that he will have a much easier life.

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