What Happens If Dad Is Ornery and Unruly at Assisted Living?
Here is a straightforward, blunt question: can an elderly person be evicted from assisted living? To be fair, there may be certain reasons why an older resident could be expelled from any living environment -assisted living or not. However, that doesn’t mean a decent assisted living community can legally request a resident leave for any reason.
There would have to be a clear and compelling reason for such a discharge. There are legal protections that keep people -regardless of age- from being unceremoniously cast out to the streets.
Let’s discuss a few of the possible reasons why some assisted living communities could remove a resident from their facility (which will highlight the benefits of choosing this for your or a loved one’s future).
1. Not paying the monthly dues.
Whether it’s called rent, living expenses, or something else, it’s the same: paying for a place to live.
If an aging senior is struggling financially, they might not choose assisted living. However, the senior might have decided on assisted living a few years ago but has since used up the bulk of his or her assets and savings and begun to fall behind.
An assisted living facility is a business. As with any business, they can’t give away their product or service for free. They won’t remain in business long if that continues, so yes, it would be possible for an elderly resident to be evicted in the event he or she could no longer pay the monthly fees to remain there.
2. Unruly behavior.
Assisted living communities have strict rules that apply to all residents and that make clear the expectations for behavior one must agree to and meet in order to live there.
If an elderly resident is willfully hostile to staff, belligerent, loud, boisterous, and has no interest in calming down, they may face disciplinary action, which could lead to being expelled from the facility.
3. Illegal behavior.
No decent assisted living will tolerate illegal or dangerous behavior that puts a resident or staff member at risk. Not only would the facility be required to report any illegal activity on its premises to the proper authorities, but they would also reserve the right to remove a resident carrying out such acts.
Now, as you can see, there is recourse for an assisted living community to remove a troublesome resident. This can offer confidence that, in the event of difficult with another resident, that there is recourse. This may offer some concerned prospects a sense of assurance to decide on assisted living for their future.
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