
What Reasons Might a Senior Give for Avoiding Assisted Living?

Assisted Living Phoenix, AZ: Avoiding Assisted Living

It is easy to make excuses. Everybody has one. And, for an aging senior who might be struggling with basic care at home, their loved ones, their adult children, spouse, siblings, friends, and maybe even neighbors could be discussing assisted living.

Assisted living is just one of several elder care options, but it is one of the best for good reason. It allows elderly men and women who might either struggle with basic tasks of everyday life or who no longer wish to deal with the general upkeep and maintenance of their house to still enjoy a high quality of life.

It’s important to realize, though, that not all assisted living communities are the same. Some are simply better than others. So, avoid a one-size-fits-all approach when looking into assisted living.

Also, avoid a one-size-fits-all approach to dealing with an aging senior whom you might be trying to convince to consider this option.

Let’s look at a few common excuses that seniors have used in the past to avoid even looking into assisted living for their future.

Common Reason #1: It’s too expensive.

Assisted Living Phoenix, AZ: Avoiding Assisted Living
Assisted Living Phoenix, AZ: Avoiding Assisted Living

Cost is usually the first thing seniors will focus on. However, they don’t do the math properly. Some assisted living facilities could cost $3,000 a month. Others might be $5,000 a month. You may find a luxury assisted living community that is charging $10,000 or more a month.

Some of those numbers can certainly look staggering to the untrained eye. However, when you consider all of the benefits a senior gains from it, the numbers are not nearly as daunting.

The average mortgage or rental price for a one-bedroom apartment right now is well over $1,000. Then you have to be concerned about electric bills, maintenance, food, entertainment, and so forth.

That could be well over another $1,000. So, just for the average elderly person in the country, when you calculate all the bills together, including transportation and so forth, you could be looking at $2,500-$3,000 every month, just to live at home and struggle with your basic care. When you see it that way, assisted living doesn’t look really that expensive when you understand what you get with it.

Common Reason #2: “I won’t know anyone there.”

Many seniors are surprised to see friends or acquaintances at assisted living facilities whom they haven’t seen in many years. Even if the senior doesn’t know somebody, they will quickly make friends.

Common Reason #3: “You don’t care about me anymore?”

An elderly person might hear you talking about assisted living as an elder care option for them and try to make you feel guilty for not taking care of them.

Not everyone is cut out to be a caregiver. Not everyone has the time the senior needs. Not everyone lives close enough that it makes sense.

On the contrary, considering assisted living shows just how much you really do care.

Common Reason #4: “Staff will just ignore me.”

There is no basis in reality for this assumption. Encourage the senior to visit an assisted living facility for a tour. It might be a virtual tour these days, but they can ask questions and see just how much staff will be doing to support that senior when they move in.

If you or an aging loved-one is considering a move to Assisted Living in Phoenix, AZ please contact the caring staff at MD Senior Living today. 480-267-9200


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