
Three Activities Many Seniors at Assisted Living Truly Enjoy

Assisted Living Phoenix, AZ: Activities and Seniors

Assisted living offers numerous benefits for people of advancing years. Not only will you find experienced, dedicated staff members ready to help aging residents throughout the day and even into the nighttime hours, but there are many activities elderly people still enjoy.

It’s easy to assume when the topic of elder care comes up that this is the beginning of the end, but quality of life can actually improve for many seniors when they choose assisted living. That’s because of the activities, the support, and the companionship they receive is often second to none.

Let’s talk about three activities many elderly men and women still truly enjoy in life and why assisted living continues to be one of the top elder care choices for men and women in their 60s, 70s, 80s, and 90s.


Activity #1: Walking.

Assisted Living Phoenix, AZ: Activities and Seniors
Assisted Living Phoenix, AZ: Activities and Seniors

This may seem like a simple activity, something anyone can do anywhere, but is that really true? If your aging mother has difficulty just getting out of bed, going to the grocery store, preparing meals, and so forth, if she really in any condition to go walking by herself?

Unfortunately, many seniors find themselves alone most of the day. You might be your mother’s primary caregiver, but if you have a career, a full-time (or numerous part-time) job to make ends meet, you don’t have that much time to be devoting to her and her needs.

If that’s the case — which it happens to be for many family caregivers — you probably don’t have a lot of time to assist her in walking, even if it’s right down the block or up and down the driveway.

At a decent assisted living community, there should be plenty of opportunities and areas for residents to walk. That could include up and down the hallways, down to the restaurant style eatery, the lobby, or even around the beautiful grounds.

Each assisted living community is different, so where seniors get to walk may vary.


Activity #2: Playing games with friends.

Many people love playing games. It doesn’t matter how old you are; the idea of playing games, especially with friends or family is something that never really fades away. Sure, a person’s preference on what types of games to play will change, but the idea of playing games with people they get along with is a great social activity.

While you may not find too many video games at an assisted living facility, they may still be popular, even among people in their 70s or 80s.

However, there are board games, card games, and so much more that seniors might enjoy playing daily, too.


Activity #3: No longer constantly worrying.

This may not seem like an activity per se, but when somebody is constantly worried about their safety, their health, how they’re going to do certain things around the house, when their adult child will be able to stop by and assist them with something, and so forth, that in itself seems like a big activity.

No longer having to worry about every little thing frees up the mind and the body for more important things, like enjoying life, which every senior should be doing as best they can.


If you or an aging loved-one is considering a move to Assisted Living in Phoenix, AZ please contact the caring staff at MD Senior Living today. 480-267-9200


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