The first few weeks of a move can be the most difficult. This is especially true when the move is not something you really looked forward to.
A quality assisted living facility that provides short-term stay options can be great for family caregivers in a bind, but it can also be a wonderful way to show seniors the benefits this elder care option provides.
If you’re taking care of your elderly mother, acting as her primary caregiver, and she has a large regimen of prescription medications it can feel overwhelming.
When you take on the role of a family caregiver, even if it starts out as just a couple of hours a week, it almost always increases, usually very quickly to about five or 10 or 20 hours of your time.
Your mother is going to be moving to assisted living. This might have been a difficult decision for her, and one both of you argued about several times.
Your aging mother might very well be nervous about this upcoming move. Assisted living is a great elder care option for people of advancing years, whether they need help on a daily basis or are relatively independent, still. Your mother…
Brain injuries can happen to anyone at any time. However, as people age, the risk of certain injuries increases. That’s because health issues become more prevalent, but also because physical strength declines. As strength declines, balance problems increase. If an…