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What Three Things Could You Do to Make a New Assisted Living Room Feel Like Home?

big couch in a spacious living room

Moving from a house, apartment, townhome, or other domicile to assisted living can certainly be a wonderful elder care option. This is especially true for those who are dealing with physical challenges, mobility limitations, or who are struggling with chronic health concerns.

Making the move to assisted living could be an exciting endeavor, something the senior is hopeful about and remains looking forward to. It could also be a nerve-racking experience, especially when you don’t know enough about it.

Wherever the senior’s mindset is, though, there are a few things that you might want to focus on. Yes, this is a great elder care option for people of advancing years. However, for most aging men and women, they will be moving into a smaller unit. It will, most likely, be a room. Some seniors may even have a roommate for the first time in decades.

In order to make that room more comfortable and feel like home, here are a few ideas that may help. Remember, though, to always check with the assisted living administrators to find out what is permitted or even recommended at their facility (because not all assisted living facilities operate the same or allow the same options).

1. Bring along the right personal photos.

Assisted Living Cave Creek, AZ: Making Assisted Living Feel Like Home

These could be in frames that the senior places on their nightstand. They could also be frames that they could hang on the wall (but you may need permission to put holes in the wall).

Some of these photos could even be the digital kind. There are cubes and even digital frames you could pick up for relatively little expense from a variety of stores that hold a number of pictures in them. Those frames or cubes would then display the pictures at random intervals and with different special effects.

Some assisted living communities may limit the number of personal effects (including photos) a resident is allowed to keep in their room. This may be especially true if the senior will be sharing it with another resident.

2. Consider a comfortably chair.

This might be a recliner or a reading chair. If the assisted living facility allows the senior to bring along a personal chair, this could be a wonderful asset that makes their room feel cozier, more like home.

Space is going to be limited in an assisted living bedroom, especially for those who had been living in a larger house or apartment for many years. However, a small chair may be a reasonable addition and if it’s one the senior finds comfortable, all the better!

3. Consider decorative touches.

This may include a throw rug, a painting or two, or perhaps even a lamp. If the senior enjoys fish or a plant, find out ahead of time what they allow with regard to that (if anything).

There are many ways an aging senior can make their room feel more comfortable and more like home, and sometimes you may even have to think a bit outside the box.

If you or an aging loved-one is considering a move to Assisted Living in Cave Creek, AZ please contact the caring staff at MD Senior Living today. 480-267-9200


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